Posts Tagged: Rose Valley

Up Up and Away

We started in the early morning, before the sun had risen above the horizon. It was cold, and we had been waiting for our ride to the launch area for far too long. We were finally taken to where we’d

Up Up and Away

We started in the early morning, before the sun had risen above the horizon. It was cold, and we had been waiting for our ride to the launch area for far too long. We were finally taken to where we’d

Ancient Ruins & Surreal Landscapes

WOW, how time has flown! Can’t believe we were in this incredible place back in October.  Take a trip with me through Turkey, as it’s on my list of TOP 3 countries I’ve ever been able to experience. Absolutely beautiful!

Ancient Ruins & Surreal Landscapes

WOW, how time has flown! Can’t believe we were in this incredible place back in October.  Take a trip with me through Turkey, as it’s on my list of TOP 3 countries I’ve ever been able to experience. Absolutely beautiful!